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Code of Conduct


Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy


1.1 Purpose

Caritas Athens recognizes the right of children and vulnerable adults to protection, regardless of gender, race, culture and disability. Caritas Athens recognizes the power dynamics inherent in working with children and vulnerable adults and the potential for abuse and exploitation by staff of people we work with.

Caritas Athens is committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes its core values and prevents abuse and exploitation of all people.

Caritas Athens staff [1]and associates[2] are expected to uphold the dignity of all people with whom they come into contact by ensuring that their personal and professional conduct is of the highest standards at all times. They are equally expected to serve with integrity and promote the right relationships while taking their responsibilities.

Caritas Athens recognizes the unique needs of children and vulnerable adults and, therefore, commits itself to creating and maintaining an environment that protects these individuals.

1.2 Scope

This policy applies directly to all Caritas Athens Staff and Associates and it is in full compliance with Caritas Internationalis Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy.

1.3 Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults

Caritas Athens prohibits all forms of exploitation and abuse, namely:

  • Caritas Athens staff and associates are prohibited from engaging in sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18, regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally). Mistaken belief regarding the age of a child is not a defense.
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are prohibited from causing any physical or emotional harm to children or vulnerable adults.
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are prohibited from the exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex, including sexual favors.
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are prohibited from any form of humiliating, degrading, or exploitative behavior toward children, women, and vulnerable adults.
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are not to use their power or position to withhold assistance or services, or to give preferential treatment. 
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are prohibited from using their power or position to request or demand payment, privilege, or any other benefit. 
  • Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are prohibited from engaging in trafficking in human beings, in all forms.

In the same spirit, Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are strongly discouraged to engage in sexual relationships with people they work with since they are based on inherently unequal power dynamics. Such relationships are contrary to Caritas principles and values and undermine the credibility and integrity of its work.

1.4 Responsibility to report

Caritas Athens Staff and Associates are obliged to report any concern or suspicion of exploitation and abuse of a child or vulnerable adult. Failure to report may put the victim and Caritas at risk and is a breach of this Safeguarding Policy and of the Caritas Athens Code of Conduct.

Caritas Athens Staff and Associates should report concerns by a staff from other non-member organization or body through established reporting mechanisms.

1.5 Prevention

Caritas Athens is adhering to the highest human resource and recruitment standards to safeguard people we work with against exploitation and abuse.

This includes:

  • Safe recruitment - referencing and vetting prospective applicants with emphasis on impeccable track record in carrying out their work in conformity with the Code of Conduct. Caritas Athens is adhering to the sector-wide referencing scheme called “inter-agency misconduct disclosure scheme".
  • Induction - all Staff have completed an induction on the Caritas Athens Code of Conduct, Complaints and Handling Policy and Procedures, Caritas Athens Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy and Standards of Behavior Toward Children and Glossary of Terms.
  • Acknowledgment - all Staff have read, understood and signed the Caritas Athens Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy and the Code of Conduct.

1.6 Data protection

Caritas Athens is committed to apply the highest levels of protection in the processing of personal data. Personal information acquired during investigations related to the breach of the Caritas Athens Code of Conduct and the Caritas Athens Child and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy will be treated in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

All above documents have been approved by Caritas Athens Board

– Decision Nr. 333.1/30.05.2019


Annex I  - Glossary of Terms

Annex II - Standards of behavior towards children

Annex III - Acknowledgment form

Annex IV - Reporting form



Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy

Annex I - Glossary of Terms


Any person under the age of 18. National law or local customs may use different definition; however, Caritas' position is all persons under the age of 18 should receive equal protection regardless of local age limits.


Vulnerable adults are individuals aged 18 years and over who are at greater risk of significant harm due to factors such as gender, age, mental or physical health, or as a result of poverty, inequality or experience of displacement or crisis.


The responsibility that Organizations have to make sure their staff and programmes promote the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and do not expose them to the risk of harm and abuse. PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) and child protection come under this umbrella term.


The responsibility and measures taken to prevent and respond to abuse and exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult. This includes building awareness, promoting training, identifying and responding to all complaints, monitoring and evaluating protection structures, and taking personal responsibility.


Child protection is about preventing and responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children including sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking, child labor and harmful traditional practices. It is part of the broader area of work known as Safeguarding.

PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse):

All measures that protect people from crisis affected communities from sexual exploitation and abuse by staff (e.g. of NGOs, the UN and other actors).


Any action or inaction that causes harm to another person. It can include physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. It also includes abuse online and/or through mobile technology. There are various types of abuse including:

  1. Sexual abuse: Any actual or threatened sexual act of violence perpetrated against a child or adult, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. Examples of sexual abuse include rape, abusive sexual contact like unwanted touching and non-contact sexual abuse such as sexting and verbal or behavioral sexual harassment.
  2. Physical abuse: The actual or likely physical injury to a child or adult, such as hitting, kicking or shaking, where there is definite knowledge, or reasonable suspicion, that the injury was inflicted or knowingly not prevented.
  3. Emotional abuse: Harm done by persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or rejection, such as degrading punishments, threats, bullying, and not giving care and affection.
  4. Neglect: When basic needs such as food, warmth and medical care are not met, or when there is a failure to prevent exposure to any kind of danger.


Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust to profit monetarily, socially or politically. There are various types of exploitation including:

  1. Sexual Exploitation: The actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.
  2. Child Labor: The term “child labor" generally refers to any economic activity performed by a person under the age of 15.
  3. Trafficking: The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of children or vulnerable adults for the purpose of exploitation such as for labor, prostitution or sexual exploitation.
  4. Survival Sex: Occurs when a child or vulnerable adult living in poverty or in an emergency situation chooses to engage in or is coerced into sex as a last resort for survival. It is transactional sex in exchange for food, water, drugs, shelter, money and any other essential needs for integral human survival.


An individual, who is suspected of having abused, exploited or knowingly allowed the ill treatment of a child or vulnerable adult. Such abuse or exploitation may cause physical, sexual, emotional, psychological or other harm to an individual. Investigation would determine whether the suspect is guilty or not.


An individual who identifies and reports suspected incidents of abuse or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult. All Caritas Athens Staff are required to report whenever a suspicion of abuse or exploitation involving Caritas Athens Staff or other humanitarian workers is raised, even when they may not have all the facts at hand.



Annex II - Caritas Athens Standards of Behavior towards Children

Caritas Athens Staff[3] and Associates[4] must remain aware of perceptions and appearances in their language, actions, and relationships to children and safeguard them from harm. Staff and Associates should be aware at all times to uphold the dignity of each child and treat all children with respect. The following outline provides behavioral expectations of all Caritas Athens Staff and Associates when interacting with children (any person under 18 years of age).



Caritas Athens Staff and Associates:



  1. Conduct themselves in manner consistent with values of Caritas, including complying with the Caritas Athens Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
  2. Treat all children and their families with respect, regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.
  3. Listen to children.
  4. Provide welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for children that prevents all forms of abuse and exploitation.
  5. Be sensitive when they are around children (i.e. language, conversations, touch, gestures).
  6. Respect cultural differences which do not harm children.
  7. Be transparent in actions and whereabouts.
  8. Have at least one other adult present when they are with a child. Care and discretion must be used on all one-on-one situations.
  9. Ensure that an adult caretaker is present when transporting a child; and if not possible, obtain appropriate permission.
  10. Report any concerns of child abuse or exploitation.
  11. Disclose all charges or convictions if they relate to child exploitation
  12. Comply with relevant country legislation.
  13. Ensure contact with children is supervised, accompanied or at least in sight of other adults.




  1. Hit and physically abuse children (even if culturally acceptable).
  2. Emotionally or verbally abuse a child
  3. Be harsh toward a child. If a child expresses discomfort, stop the behavior.
  4. Have sex or engage in any sexual activity with a child including inappropriate touch.
  5. Send degrading or harmful written or verbal messages to a child, such as sex texting, pornography.
  6. Use any computers, mobiles, video cameras or social media to exploit or harass children, or access, download or share child exploitation material.
  7. Hire a child.
  8. Encourage a child to meet with them outside of work-related activities.
  9. Take a child to their homes.
  10. Find themselves alone with a child (there may be exceptions).
  11. Do things for child of a personal nature that they are able to do for themselves.
  12. Show favouritism.
  13. Be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs when with children







Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy

Annex III - Acknowledgment Form


All Caritas Athens Staff[5] and Associates[6] must read, sign, and abide by the Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy which prohibits abuse and exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult.


I understand Caritas Athens commitment to protect the rights and dignity of children and vulnerable adults and to safeguard them from abuse and exploitation as defined in the Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy.

I have read the Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy in its entirety and understand the following:

  • The definitions of abuse and exploitation;
  • That I am required to report abuse and exploitation of a child or a vulnerable adult;
  • How to report, in accordance with Caritas reporting procedures, maintaining confidentiality;
  • That I am required to uphold the standards of behavior described in the Caritas Athens

             Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy and Caritas Athens Code of Conduct;

  • That I am required to complete an induction on the Caritas Athens Code of Conduct,

Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy, the Caritas Athens

Complaints Handling Policy and Procedures and familiarize myself with related documents including:

  • Caritas Athens Code of Conduct
  • Caritas Athens Complaints Handling Policy and Procedure
  • Annex I- Glossary of Terms
  • Annex II- Standards of behavior towards children
  • That if I have any questions, it is my responsibility to ask my supervisor or designated staff at Human Resources;
  • That breach of the Policy and failure to report may lead to disciplinary action including termination or dismissal.

………………..………………………………………………………………………………….                      ………………………………….

  Employee/Associate/Volunteer  FULL NAME  and  SIGNATURE                                          Date


Caritas Athens Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy

Annex IV - Reporting Form

Suspicion of Abuse or Exploitation of a Child or Vulnerable Adult


Any suspicion or concern of abuse or exploitation of a child or an adult involving Caritas Athens Staff6 and Associates[7] [8] must be reported as required in the Caritas Athens Complaint Handling Policy and Procedure and Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy.

If you are unable to complete all of the sections, fill in what you do know. If there is more than one victim, please complete a separate report for each victim. The reporter's identity will not be disclosed except on a "need-to-know" basis.

If the reporter believes danger is imminent to themselves or anyone involved, you should alert the supervisor of your work/project/activity.

If an immediate threat to life exists or if emergency assistance is needed, please contact your local authorities and alert local senior management at once.

The purpose of this Reporting Form is to report any suspicious activity of abuse or exploitation for Caritas Athens to assess and determine next course.



Does the Reporter wish to be identified? o Yes          o No

If yes, Reporter name and contact information

First Name: ________________________________________

Last Name: _________________________________________

Phone Number (Include the area code or country code): ____________________________

Alternative Phone Number: ____________________________

Email: __________________

Name of Organization: __________________        Job Title: _____________________________


Is the victim a child or an adult?

o Child         o Adult

Victim Identity:

First Name: ________________________________________

Last Name: _________________________________________

Nick Name: _________________________________________

Unknown o

(If you are unable to provide the victim's identity, check Unknown.)

Approximate age:__________   Gender:______________

Child refers to all persons under the age of 18 Provide any additional information




First Name: ________________________________________

Last Name: _________________________________________

Unknown o

(If you are unable to provide the caregiver/Guardian/Relative's identity, check Unknown.)

Physical Address:_______________________________________________________

(Examples: include name of village, street name, city, house, building)

Phone Number (Include the area code or country code): ____________________________

Alternative Phone Number: ____________________________

Email: __________________

Approximate age:__________  Gender:_________          


Type of Incident:

(Check all that apply)

o Sexual Abuse (e.g., fondling, kissing, non-contact sexual activity, rape)

o Exploitation (e.g. sex trafficking, forced prostitution, survival sex, child labor)

   o Emotional Abuse (e.g. intimidation, threats, humiliation, bullying)

o Physical Abuse (e.g. hitting, kicking, shaking)

o Other (Define other)_________________________________________


Address/Physical location of incident:________________________________________

(Examples include: name of village, street name, city, house, building)



Approximate Date of Incident: Month______ Date__________   Year_________

Date Reported: Month______ Date__________   Year_________           


Physical and Emotional State:

Physical and Emotional state of victim (Check all that apply)

o Cuts, bruises, welts, scratches

o Behavioral changes (e.g., angry, crying, acting out, withdrawn, sudden illness)

o Other

Please further describe the physical and emotional state of the victim.


Impairment or Disability:

Does the victim have a physical impairment or disability?

o Yes            o No               o Do Not Know

If yes, describe the impairment or disability.


Become Aware:

How did the reporter become aware of this incident?

o Witnessed it                    o Other (Define other) ____________________________________        


Safety of Victim:

Was the victim in immediate danger prior to completing this form?

o Yes                     o No

Were the proper authorities and senior management contacted (as appropriate)?

o Yes                     o No

Please provide any additional information. _____________________________________________


First Name: ________________________________________

Last Name: _________________________________________

Unknown o  (If you are unable to provide the suspect's identity, check Unknown.)

Phone Number (Include the area code or country code): ____________________________

Alternative Phone Number: ____________________________

Physical Address:_______________________________________________________

(Ex.: include name of village, street name, city, house, building)                    Unknown o  

Email: __________________

Approximate age:__________  Gender:_________          

Physical Description of Suspect:______________________________________________________



Name of Organization: __________________        Job Title: _____________________________


Are there any other persons with more information?

o Yes                     o No

If yes, provide details:








All above documents have been approved by Caritas Athens Board

– Decision Nr. 333.1/30.05.2019




[1] Staff refers to all Caritas staff, volunteers, interns and governance members.

[2] Associates refers to consultants and contractors

[3] Staff refers staff, volunteers, interns and governance members.

[4] Associates refers to consultants and contractors

[5] Staff refers to staff, volunteers, interns and governance members

[6] Associates refers to consultants and contractors

  • Staff refers to all Caritas staff, volunteers, interns and governance members.

7 Associates refers to consultants and contractors.

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Caritas Athens is a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) which has been recognized as such by the state, and is a member of Caritas Hellas (a branch of Caritas Europa and of Caritas Internationalis, the philanthropic organizations of the Catholic Church, which play an active role in over 165 countries worldwide)

Contact Information

Caritas Athens
9, Omirou str. 106 72 Athens
Tel. / Fax: (+30) 210 3626 186
Εmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00

Sector Refugee Programme
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel.: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
Fax: 210 5246 646
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00

Help Center
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
e-mail: socialservices@caritasathens.gr 
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00 (after appointment)

Caritas Athens Greece © 2019 All rights reserved.