From Beneficiary to Personnel Manager in a Greek Company
S. P., from Iran, a beneficiary of the "Integration and Livelihood" program of Caritas Athens, came to Greece in 2017 with her son looking for a better place with decent conditions to live.
She always dreamed of being strong and not a victim. Upon her arrival in Athens, she immediately started attending Greek lessons because she realized that the most important step to finding a job in our country is the language. And later, with the help of the program, she managed to find a job. She did her best and in a short time she got a promotion and now she is in charge of staff and manages about 100 employees!
The program "Integration and Livelihood" is carried out in collaboration with the organizations CRS and Caritas Hellas. Its main goal is the integration of refugees into the labor market: the beneficiaries prepare for their social and professional integration and after attending seminars are ready to participate in recruitment interviews, having been previously connected to the labor market.
In addition, they attend intensive Greek lessons. Through all these actions the beneficiaries get an idea of how to take the next step in their life and the whole team of Integration and Livelihood constantly supports them.