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  • Afghan beneficiary of Caritas Athens teaches knitting at NGO “Faros”

Afghan beneficiary of Caritas Athens teaches knitting at NGO “Faros”

The 67-year-old Afghan refugee Nasiri Mah Gul lives in the guest house of Caritas Athens in the region of Petralona since April 2017.

Six months later she started attending knitting lessons weekly, in the «Day Center of Faros», a Christian humanitarian organization which specializes in the support of women with children, in Victoria Square.

Her talent, the eagerness and willingness she displayed, very soon gave her the opportunity to become a teacher in the same organization, educating other women as well. However, her kindness, willingness, and goodwill helped her stand out as a human, besides her abilities in crochet or needle-knitting.

Last Christmas, «FAROS» held a bazaar, where the beneficiary sold handmade bags, beanies, scarves, bracelets, shirts etc.

She offered part of her earnings to the organization, on her own initiative, as an indication of recognition of the trust and help that was given to her to develop her skill.

Even today, she still visits the organization every Wednesday and helps the women with knitting. Having built relations of trust and friendship, both with her co-workers and the beneficiaries, she managed to convey her passion for this handcraft, in order to create knitted decorative and handy items.

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Caritas Athens is a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) which has been recognized as such by the state, and is a member of Caritas Hellas (a branch of Caritas Europa and of Caritas Internationalis, the philanthropic organizations of the Catholic Church, which play an active role in over 165 countries worldwide)

Contact Information

Caritas Athens
9, Omirou str. 106 72 Athens
Tel. / Fax: (+30) 210 3626 186
Εmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00

Sector Refugee Programme
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel.: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
Fax: 210 5246 646
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00

Help Center
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
e-mail: socialservices@caritasathens.gr 
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00 (after appointment)

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