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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

This website belongs to Caritas Athens. The following terms of use apply for the website caritasathens.gr and all of its content and/or services and/or products supplied therein (“the Website”). Entering and browsing the Website as well as any other use of it shall be deemed as an unconditional acceptance of the present Terms of Use and of the Privacy Policy implemented by Caritas Athens.

In case you do not accept all or part of the present Terms of Use, please refrain from using this Website and the services offered through it. The Website is intended for adults.


The present Terms of Use are subject to modification; you are, therefore, advised consulting the Terms of Use periodically.


  • CONTENT AND AVAILABILITY OF THE WEBSITE: The Website contains information on the activities of Caritas Athens, its actions and collaborations. Caritas Athens has no obligation to maintain the Website and is fully entitled to terminate its operation or to alter its content at any time. Access to the Website may not always be possible, due to modifications or upgrading.
  • USERS’ OBLIGATIONS: As most website administrators, Caritas Athens collects data through network browsers and servers, such as browser type, language preferences, the date and time of visit. Those data are used exclusively for enhanced functionality of the Website, better understanding of visitors’ use and statistical reasons. The above information may be published by Caritas Athens anonymously for purposes not impeding personal data protection, such as depicting user trends when using the Website.

In case users post any information, data, text, graphics, pictures, images, audio or music files, videos, messages or comments (“content”), the individual or entity posting the content shall be exclusively liable in relation to it. Caritas Athens does not make any guarantee as to the correctness, integrity, legality, or quality of any such content, nor may it be deemed to accept any opinion, information or comment posted by users of the Website. Caritas Athens is therefore not responsible for any mistake or omission to any such content and is not liable for any damages that may occur from the use of any such content posted, sent, transferred or otherwise supplied by the Website users.

Users are obliged to not use the Website for any of the actions listed below and, in case they do, bear sole and exclusive responsibility:

  1. Posting or publishing or otherwise making public any content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, likely to cause damage, libelous, obscene, violent, racist or unsolicited, or content that offends anyone’s personality or violates personal data of a third party or intellectual property rights of Caritas Athens or a third party, or content that provokes hate, that constitutes a criminal offense, unsolicited marketing, or content that contains digital viruses or code, files or programs designed to interfere with, destroy or limit the function of computer or other electronic equipment software or hardware.
  2. Harming of minors in any way or manner.
  3. Imitation of individuals or corporate entities or false statements regarding the user’s identity or misleading statements regarding the user’s cooperation with other individuals or corporate entities.

4, Counterfeiting or otherwise alteration of user’s identification, aiming to deceit as to the source of the content transmitted through the Website.

  1. Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or otherwise installation of content by persons legally or contractually unauthorised to make such content available.
  2. Interfering or causing harm to the services, servers or networks related to the function of the Website, violation of the requirements, procedures and terms of use of the above servicers and networks.
  3. Violation of applicable law, either local, national, European or international, as well as of rules with legal effect when using the Website.
  4. Violation of privacy or individual and social rights of other users (as well as collection and storing of other users’ personal data)
  5. Installation or otherwise promotion of unsolicited or anauthorised advertising or unsolicited mail (spam), chain letters, pyramid schemes and any other form of unsolicited content, as well as installation or promotion of advertisements without the written consent of Caritas Athens.

In case of illegal use or use in violation of these Terms of Use, users are liable for compensating Caritas Athens for any damages and for the cost of any legal dispute arising between Caritas Athens and third party/ies due to the content posted or otherwise transmitted or transferred by the users through the Website.

Caritas Athens does not preemptively monitor content posted by the users. Caritas Athens may, however, upon its sole discretion refuse to publish, move or delete any user content, without notification and without any obligation of compensation whatsoever.

  • SECURITY: Although Caritas Athens constantly checks the integrity of the Website, it cannot guarantee that the Website is free of digital viruses or other kinds of malicious software. The users must conduct all required checks and use the required protection systems (such as antivirus software, firewalls etc.) to ensure that use and browsing of this Website shall not cause their computers to be infected by such malicious software. Caritas Athens is not liable for any damage caused by access or inability of access to the Website or by any information contained in the Website.
  • LINKS: This Website, for the convenience of the users, may contain in various places references to other websites, through the use of special links (hyperlinks). It is also possible that this Website may be accessed through the use of similar links contained in third parties’ websites. Caritas Athens does not control third parties’ websites, does not make any warranties or representations in relation to such websites nor does it have any liability of any kind with regard to the content of those websites or any damage that may be caused by access thereto. Caritas Athens respects copyright. If you consider any content posted or published in our Website, an infringement of your copyright, please contact us.
  • COPYRIGHT: The copyright in this website, including without limitation, all documents, files, text, images, graphics, devices and code contained in it and in this website’s general “look and feel”, is owned by Caritas Athens or its third-party providers. Copying or printing, in whole or in part, of the Website’s content is allowed solely for non-commercial use provided any such copy or print retains all copyright or other proprietary notices and any disclaimer contained therein. Any other use, reproduction, modification, falsification or distribution, in whole or in part, is strictly forbidden without prior written specific authorization of Caritas Athens.
  • INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: All product or corporation names that appear in this Website, the trademarks and/or pictures thereof, as well as any other element, verbal or visual, that distinguishes products or producers or distributors of products are protected by industrial property legislation and their use or imitation or falsification, in any manner whatsoever, without prior written specific authorization of the owners of such rights, is strictly forbidden to the maximum extent. Caritas Athens does not claim any right at all on any of the trademarks or similar rights of third parties, which appear in this website. Those third – party trademarks appear in this Website solely for the purpose of determination of the relevant products and under no circumstances shall their use be considered either as claim on such rights by Caritas Athens or as relation of any kind of Caritas Athens with the holders of those rights.
  • PARTIAL INVALIDITY: The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms of Use shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision, which shall remain in full force and effect.
  • EXERCISE OF RIGHTS: Any delay or failure by Caritas Athens to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such right. Caritas Athens reserves the right to claim full compensation in case of use of this Website that is unlawful or contrary to the present terms of use.
  • INTERPRETATION: The headings to the clauses of the present Terms of Use are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation. The meaning of any clause of the present terms of use is not affected by its place with respect to the remaining clauses.
  • TERRITORIALITY – APPLICABLE LAW – JURISDICTION: This Website has been created in accordance with Greek legislation and is destined for use solely within Greece. The present Terms of Use and any amendment thereof, as well as any disputes arising out or in connection with them are governed by Greek law. All disputes arising out of or in connection with use of the Website shall be governed by Greek law and shall be finally adjudicated upon by the competent courts of Athens, Greece, that shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction.


Privacy Policy and Data Protection

Our users’ privacy is extremely important to us, but also our obligation according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation. In this context, we adhere to the requirements of national and European privacy legislation, by ensuring that we:

-inform you of the data we collect (both at the time of collection and also through this privacy statement)

-use your data only for the purposes for which they were collected

-ask you for explicit permission to process your personal data in cases where permission is required as the legal basis for processing, but also when the purpose of processing is altered

-provide data subjects with all their legal rights

-do not pass on your data to third parties unless this is necessary for a reason provided for in the relevant legislation and monitor that the third parties also provide such assurance.


For general information about the GDPR, we refer you to the European Commission’s website (https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en) or to the Greek Data Protection Authority’s website (https://www.dpa.gr/portal/page?_pageid=33,213319&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL).


In compliance with our obligations in accordance to the GDPR, this Privacy Policy applies.


  • DATA WE COLLECT: We collect the following personal data:

(a) through the volunteer form: your full name and postal address, your e-mail address, your telephone number, your date of birth, your professional experience and knowledge and your photo (optional)

(b) through the contact form: your full name and e-mail address.

This data is used solely for communication with volunteers or users wishing to contact us, ensuring the quality of our services and for statistical purposes. For statistical and security purposes a record is kept of requests for access to Website and the number of visitors of each web page, without any other data that could lead to identification of the visitors Browsing the Website shall be considered as consent by the user to collect and process such data.

We do not forward, transmit, sell or otherwise share your personal data in any form or manner, to third parties, other than relevant authorities, as required by law or administrative command.



In order to ensure proper function of the Website, we sometimes store small data files in your computer (cookies).


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to the user’s web browser and stored on the user’s computer’s hard disk, thus allowing the smooth and technically unimpeded function of websites, collection of multiple user choices, recognition of frequent users, enabling access, as well as collection of data for improving the content of websites. Cookies do not harm the users’ computers nor the files stored in them.


How we use cookies

We use cookies to facilitate use of the Website and provide information to users. Please note that cookies are necessary for the proper and unimpeded function of the Website.

Enabling cookies is necessary for the Website’s function, as they offer enhanced browsing experience. Cookies can be erased after leaving the Website.


Categories of cookies used:

Our Website uses both so-called first-party cookies as well as third-party cookies, included in the table below:










1 year






Google analytics


Used for classification of users and collecting website visitation data. Click on Security and privacy in Universal Analytics for more information about Universal Analytics and cookies.


2 years




1 day



These cookies fall within one of the following categories:

Required cookies are necessary for the Website’s function and cannot be disabled in our system. They allow us to improve our services, concerning your privacy settings or preserve data you have filled in a form or document, to avoid having to fill them in again. The browser’s settings can be set to prevent the transfer of cookies or to display an alert prior to the installation of cookies. However, in such cases some functionality may be lost.


Analytical cookies allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors to our Website, their navigation and their page and content preferences. This helps us improve our Website and monitor the success of its content and advertisements. All data collected by these cookies is anonymous and non-identifiable. You may disable these cookies.



Third-party cookies are cookies used in the Website by third parties (e.g. Google analytics, reCaptch). Third parties running adevertisements in our Website may also use cookies for commercial or other purposes. We do not control third-party cookies or provide any guarantees for those, as their providers are exclusively responsible for them.

The cookies we use do not collect data that reveal your personal identity and therefore, do not make it possible for us to identify you. They are used for improving our Website’s content.

Cookies are not used for any purpose other than those described above.


How to control cookies

You may control and/or erase cookies at will. You will find more details here: boutcookies.org or here: www.youronlinechoices.com. You may erase all cookies already stored in your computer and manage most browsers’settings to not allow cookies. However, this may cause some functionality or services to be lost or you may be required to adjust your preferences every time you visit a website.


When visiting our Website for the first time, a cookie banner will appear at the bottom. By closing that banner, or continuing your visit to our Website, you implicitly consent to our use of cookies as specified in this cookies policy, unless you have adapted your browser setting to reject non=required cookies or unless you click on ‘Reject cookies’ in our cookies banner.


How to reject our cookies?

You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking ‘Reject cookies’ in our cookies banner, or by deleting cookies in the settings of your Internet browser.



The Website uses Google Analytics. You may find more information on the use of Google Analytics here: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html


You always have the right to erase your stored personal data, to restrict processing, to deny certain types of processing and to rectify or update this data. You also have the right to unsubscribe from our communication or volunteer form at any time by clicking HERE or at the Unsubscribe Section at the end of every e-mail we send. For every question concerning your personal data and their processing by Caritas Athens, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You may file a complaint with the Greek Data Protection Authority (1-3 Kifisias Avenue, Postal Code 115 23, Athens, tel: 210 6475600, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


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Caritas Athens is a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) which has been recognized as such by the state, and is a member of Caritas Hellas (a branch of Caritas Europa and of Caritas Internationalis, the philanthropic organizations of the Catholic Church, which play an active role in over 165 countries worldwide)

Contact Information

Caritas Athens
9, Omirou str. 106 72 Athens
Tel. / Fax: (+30) 210 3626 186
Εmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00

Sector Refugee Programme
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel.: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
Fax: 210 5246 646
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00

Help Center
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
e-mail: socialservices@caritasathens.gr 
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00 (after appointment)

Caritas Athens Greece © 2019 All rights reserved.